Tool category: Human Resources
Tools 21–30 of 30
Resume Worded
Our online resume and LinkedIn grader instantly scores your resume and LinkedIn profile and gives you detailed feedback on how to get more opportunities and interviews.
Transform the recruitment process with AI. Machine learning-driven hiring for end-to-end recruitment solutions. Integrate with existing recruitment technology.
SwagAI is an AI tool that helps you come up with ridiculous company swag. Just tell us what you’re looking for, and our algorithms will recommend crazy (but sometimes practical) options.
Build a powerful talent ecosystem, Streamline HR with automation, and Evolve to meet tomorrow's challenges with Talentech.
AI driven search engine helps you evaluate candidates on a number of parameters and find the most suitable candidates quickly
Talla integrates with existing systems and workflows to build machine learning models of common tasks, answer common questions, and improve productivity.
TurboHire : World's leading and most trusted recruitment automation software with 59+ features across 10 hiring modules. Loved by 7000+ recruiters globally.
Grow your relevance, leads, and sales with Unbounce. Use Unbounce to easily create and optimize landing pages for your small business and boost conversions with AI insights.
VWO is the market-leading A/B testing tool that fast-growing companies use for experimentation & conversion rate optimization.
Write Me A Cover Letter
Generate a cover letter in seconds using AI. Just upload your CV, share a link to the job you want, and we'll do the rest.